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  • Primary Health - The Role of Community-Based Organizations
    Workshop Facilitator: Dipl.-Soz.Wiss. Ramazan Salman (Ethno-Medizinisches Zentrum, Hannover)
    Thursday, 24th of March
    What role can community-based organizations (CBOs) active in Graz play in terms of the “Primary Healthcare” concept? How can the activities of such organizations be harmonized and optimized? How is the collaboration between CBOs and representatives of the healthcare system? How can the existing collaboration between them be improved?

  • Migrants and the Austrian Healthcare System
    Workshop Facilitator: Dr. Ursula Karl-Trummer, MSc. (Center for Health and Migration, Wien)
    Thursday, 24th of March
    What is the current state of the healthcare services for migrants in Graz? How are the future needs for specific services developed; for instance, with regards to care of the elderly? How can specific healthcare needs of migrants be taken into consideration? What are the areas in need of intervention? What concrete recommendations can be made, and to whom should they be addressed?

  • The Meaning of the term “Health” for Migrants
    Workshop Facilitator: DSA Rosaline M’bayo (Afrikaherz, Berlin)
    Friday, 25th of March
    What are the cultural and religious viewpoints of migrants in their understanding of health and illnesses? How can these viewpoints be taken into account during therapy or treatment?

  • Effects of Migration on Health
    Workshop Facilitator: DSA, MPH Christoph Pammer, MA (FH Joanneum, Graz)
    Friday, 25th of March
    How can specific health risks of migrants, e.g. language and cultural barriers in the receiving society be dealt with? How can the health promoting resources of migrants themselves be used optimally?